Tuesday, 9 April 2013


On the 9th of April at exactly 12am I was woken up by the noise of a bird tweeting. Naturally, I had a heart attack because we all know that birds are pure evil.  But then i realized that it was just Twitter notifications, this one happened to be a tweet from the one and only Pete Wentz retweeting Fall Out Boy; "this album is one that is particularly close to us. with out further ado, please listen closely: " In my sleep deprived state, i started at the tweet for a good 30 seconds before completely flipping out at the fact that they released Save Rock and Roll five days before the dew release of the 13th. This then caused a good hour of frantic fangilring, downloading and listening to SR&R while trying not to wake up anybody else in my family.
So far i am in love with the album, its everything i expected from FOB and more. The only song i would have to say is not to my liking is Rat A Tat feat. Courtney Love. Courtney spoils the song in my opinion, Other than that i would have to say that its very had to pick a favorite song off this album. Good Job boys
Save Rock and Roll will not be available in stores and on iTunes until the 12-13th of April world wide.
For now we can enjoy it on the bands soundcloud

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